Myth, Muse, and Monster (and Other Nonsensical Oddities)…
explores a collection of sentient chimeras, mythological characters, legends and muses. Many of these pieces invite the viewer to step into their imagination and concoct their own stories, others are to be interpreted and a few are of no sense at all. Who are these creatures and characters? Where did they come from? What stories might they tell?
This collection draws inspiration from the visual storytelling traditions of Howard Pyle and Frank Schoonover of the Brandywine School, and the imaginative worlds of artists like Frank Frazetta, Edmund Dulac and Gustave Moreau. Standing on the shoulders of these giants influenced and shaped this body of work that blends narrative art and symbolism or is it just the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind?
This exhibit offers the viewer a small escape, a momentary vacation into the strange and wondrous world of the shared imagination of artist and viewer.